Friday, January 8, 2010

Getting Things Straight. Or at least, less curved.

I hate outlines. I have always hated outlines. When I was in high school, I had an English teacher who tried very hard to make me love outlines. It didn't work. She showed me an amazing array of different outline forms, from a list on a piece of paper, to index cards, to computer spreadsheets. I told her, "I just want to sit down and write the stupid paper!"

I approach my fiction writing in much the same way. I just want to write the stupid book! My plot's getting a little complex, though. Which is a good thing. It's not overly complex. You won't need a Ph.D. to read it, I promise. But it's getting branches, which, as I've said, is good. I'm finding that, between character back stories, plot lines and ideas I might want to explore but am not sure where they fit yet, I'm needing some kind of an outline.


So, for now, it's more like a synopsis, actually. I'm writing, in paragraph form, what comes next. I'm adding ideas for dialogue, and words to convey the proper mood for the scene, so I don't forget that stuff. I add various flashes of brilliance either as I go along, or when I think of them later. This is the benefit to doing this type of thing on a computer, as opposed to writing it out. I'd have lines and arrows and bubbles and intersections all over the place.

Through the outline practice, I've discovered that I want to completely revamp the beginning of the story. Which is okay. One thing my subscription to Writer's Digest has taught me is that I shouldn't start that rewrite now. Just keep writing till I get to the end and THEN do the rewrite. And then do the edits. And then start sending out query letters to agents.


I'm, apparently, very serious about this book thing, huh? I'm still flitting somewhere between a state of disbelief and an incredibly angry feeling of "It's about damn time." The other day, Mr. O referred to me as "a writer", and I nearly fell over dead.

Am I a writer? I guess so.

A writer who can't write a simple blog about ONE topic, but instead flies all over her psyche. Sorry about that.