Monday, August 17, 2009

Conflicting Thoughts...

I'm getting frustrated with my lack of knowledge about my own book. If someone asked me what it's about, I might not know what to tell them. That's because I've got all these little details figured out, and even some awesome scenes written (in order, no less), but I have no idea what the big major issue is.

It's like I'm planning a dinner, and I know what each side dish is, I know what all the spices I'm going to use are. I have the appetizer and even the dessert all planned out. I even have a killer sauce for the meat. But I have no idea what the meat is.

Am I writing chicken? Or beef? Pork? Lamb? Or maybe there is no meat. Maybe this is a vegetarian dish to simply introduce characters and setting, to set the stage for a really good plot, just in a future book.

Well, if that's the case, we have issues. I mean, first of all, who wants to read a book with no conflict? Aside from man vs himself, which is hard to fill an entire book with. Also, who's to say that this book will sell any sequels.

Well, anyway, this blog wasn't intended to be about what's going to happen after the book is published (If this book ever even sees a publisher's desk. At this point, it's looking quite possible that it'll never even see the light of day), but rather, about this problem of me feeling that it isn't enough.

I'm seeking a major conflict, and it's never far from my mind. Which explains why my day to day life has been filled with conflict lately. Conflict with my husband, conflict with my kids, conflict with subconscious has been actively looking for a conflict worthy of my book, and has been picking fights with everyone on its quest.

Stupid subconscious.

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